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François Duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680) 

French classical author. His Maximes (1665, fifth enlarged edition 1678) are terse, highly polished observations on human nature, which undermine the concept of disinterested virtue and the power of the will depicted by Corneille in his plays. La Rochefoucauld substitutes a pessimistic picture of man in which subconscious self-love lies behind every action. His views reflect the changing moral climate of the later 17th century, also seen in the work of Mme de La Fayette.

est brigondza prus a no si fidare de sos amigos ki a esser frigados da issos
non b\'at passione in ue s\'egoìsmu rennat gosi a forte comente in s\'amore: b\'at semper de prus disponimentu a sacrificare sa tranchillidade de chie istimamus chi no a perder sa tranchillidade nostra
su male chi faghimus non nos batit tantu odiu e inimighèntzia cantu sas atziones bonas nostras
s\'ipocrisia est unu donu chi su vitziu faghet a sa birtude
totus tenimus fortza bastante pro aguantare sos males anzenos